VIPP-SD Training

The training to become VIPP-SD Intervener consists of a 4-day basic training (or an online basic training spread over 7 days) followed by a practice program containing 6 half-days of online supervision. 


During the basic VIPP-SD training course, the theoretical background, goal and main principles of the VIPP-SD intervention will be discussed. Participants will be taught how to apply VIPP-SD through guided practice by means of case examples and exercises. Exercises will be followed by discussions led by a certified trainer. The goal of this VIPP-SD basic course is to introduce the participants to the main elements of the VIPP-SD method, thereby increasing their knowledge and understanding of its practical use and its effectiveness.

In order to learn how to implement the VIPP-SD successfully and independently, the basic training is followed by a practice period. During this period, participants are putting the method into practice with a ‘practice family’, i.e. a family without a request for help. Ideally, the practice period should start as soon as possible after the last training day, and at least within 6 months after the end of the training. The home visits will take place approximately every two weeks. In addition to the time of the home-visits, you should take into account the travel time, the processing time (such as keeping your logbook), preparation time (editing fragments and writing the scripts) and the online supervision meetings (6 sessions). During the supervision meetings, participants will have the opportunity to discuss their video recordings and ‘scripts’ (written preparation of the intervention) with a qualified supervisor or trainer. As part of the assessment, participants will be asked once to record the video feedback part of one of the visit. They will show part of this video during one of the last supervision meetings. The practice period is concluded with a short reflection report.


You will receive the VIPP-SD manual on the first day of the training or earlier by mail (the manual is included in the price of the training). To carry out the intervention with the practice family, you will need a video-camera, a computer with editing software and possibly a secured USB stick/external hard drive (to view the recordings at the family’s home). In addition, you have to bring toys and books to the family to use while making the video-recordings. The recordings are in principle viewed on a TV at the family home. If this is not possible, you should bring your own laptop with you.


The cost of taking part in an open VIPP-SD training is about € 2000 (VAT not included) per participant. This includes the VIPP-SD manual, the 4-day training course or online training course spread over 7 days, 6 online supervision sessions during the supervision trajectory with a practice family, an official VIPP-SD certificate and first time registation.

For (PhD) students and participants from low-resource countries a reduction may apply.

If you are interested in an in-house training, the costs will dependent on the number of participants. Please contact us, if you are interested.

Certification and registration

With sufficient presence at the VIPP-SD training and proof of skill, participants receive a ‘VIPP-SD Intervener’ certificate. Certified interveners will be registered after validation.

Registered trainers

Training and supervising is only done by certified and registered VIPP-SD Trainers and Supervisors. VIPP-SD International monitors their skill level.


Training possibilities

VIPP-SD training can be organized or facilitated by institutes, universities and specific training organizations. On occasion individual trainers operate as a training organization.

See: Training scheduled